Relevant Match™ App boosts your Proposal Wins with Statistical Matching Analysis.

Instantly compare your proposal, every draft, to the Statement of Work (SOW) and see where there is alignment and where more focus is needed.

We’ve been there.


Working as the Proposal Manager is tough. When the proposal clock starts, it’s a race to build a quality proposal.


Relevant Match is built for you. Every day, reading, editing, coaching, your proposal writers to craft your message that is compliant, responsive, and compelling.  


⇒ Relevant Match desktop app reads the solicitation work statement like a fingerprint, then calculates the Thematic Correlation Score (TC Score) of your proposal draft. 

⇒ The higher the TC Score, the more your proposal is responsive to the buyer’s interests. Relevant Match will help ensure your message is matched to what the buyer is asking for.

⇒ Run Relevant Match analysis on each version of your proposal track your progress of your proposal team.  Use it for past performance and resume vetting, too.   



⇒ In your own proprietary and secure environment, even a SCIF, Relevant Match operates without internet connection.

⇒ Easily load your documents in a Windows standard interface. Once a day, once an hour, or as often as you need.  

⇒ Compatible with .pdf, txt, doc or docx format documents including tables and figure captions.

⇒ Use Relevant Match as a single user or share with the team, the number of users is unlimited.


Relevant Match reads text and .pdf but it’s not a document editor.

RM is your Proposal “Optimizer”.

RM shows you what the buyer is really asking for in the work statement and shows when your proposal is responsive.

Relevant Match gives you analytic tools from the
Big Picture to detailed editing. 


Relevant Match is analytic software.

Developed over 20 years of working proposals in the technology and services sectors. It jump starts your key themes, then keeps you on target for a high-scoring written proposal.

Relevant Match compares every version of your proposal to the work statement.

It calculates a match score and keeps track of each version, so you can rewrite and mature the proposal efficiently and with confidence that it is responsive.

Relevant Match has an easy, Windows-style screen.

Upload your Word or .PDF documents in two clicks. One more click launches the analysis feature, giving you six tabs with different graphs and views. The whole cycle takes about 15 minutes, so you can run the analysis as quickly as you make changes in your proposal.

Relevant Match dashboard tracks what version you are working on and your progress.

Easily communicate progress to executives and teams. No in-app advertisements, no bloatware, and in fact, no connection to the Internet. It’s designed to be used in any situation where your proposal must be protected, including in a SCIF environment. 


Here’s the 7 reasons you should use Relevant Match:

1. You don’t have to rely on expert advice alone. Relevant Match quantitatively measures your proposal against the
RFP work statement.

2. Your investment in Relevant Match is risk free. If your proposal gets delayed or cancelled; your license is extended for the time of your proposal period.  

3. Relevant Match generated report give you something concrete to show upper management on daily progress.

4. On a 30-day proposal timeline, a person to do graphics alone can cost $7500. A tech writer can cost eight thousand dollars. Relevant Match is the least costly addition to your proposal team.

5. Relevant Match is not generic; it’s tuned to your specific proposal.

6. It doesn’t matter if your proposal looks like a magazine. If it doesn’t answer the work statement, it is not going to win.

7. If you don’t use Relevant Match, your competition will.

Saves Time in Editing

Fully Windows Compatible

For any one project unlimited
times of use, all feature fully enabled

Tech Support Available

Dedicated Account Manager
assigned to you

No internet connection required.
Never need outside network connection

Risk Free License

Increase your Pwin

No waiting for "Push Updates" Refreshed software for every project

100% Designed, Built, and Sold in the USA