Insightful Analysis

Relevant Match provides you with multiple visual analyses to let you know exactly where there is alignment and where there needs more focus.
Instantly compare your proposal, every draft, to the Statement of Work (SOW) and see where there is alignment and where more focus is needed.
Working as the Proposal Manager is tough. When the proposal clock starts, it’s a race to build a quality proposal.
Relevant Match is built for you. Every day, reading, editing, coaching, your proposal writers to craft your message that is compliant, responsive, and compelling.
Developed over 20 years of working proposals in the technology and services sectors. It jump starts your key themes, then keeps you on target for a high-scoring written proposal.
Relevant Match calculates a match score and keeps track of each version, so you can rewrite and mature the proposal efficiently and with confidence that it is responsive.
Easily upload your Word or .PDF documents. Then launch the analysis feature, and see multiple different analysis graphs and views. The whole cycle takes less than 10 minutes, so you can run the analysis as quickly as you make changes in your proposal.
Easily communicate progress to executives and teams.